Mesa IANDS – Sharing / Discussion Group (SDG)
The Central Arizona IANDS (CAI) Sharing / Discussion Group (SDG) meets at 6:00 pm monthly on the second Friday on the month, until fifteen minutes before the speaker starts. (From 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm) For months with no speaker, the CAI Sharing group will meet from 6pm to 8pm. These CAI/SDG small group events … Continue reading “Mesa IANDS – Sharing / Discussion Group (SDG)”
Rev. Bill McDonald: Transformed By The Light
Rev McDonald considers himself on a mission of “TEACHING THE POWER OF LOVE & FORGIVENESS”. He is a Vietnam war veteran with numerous honors (Distinguished Flying Cross, The Bronze Star, The Purple Heart Medal, 14 Air Medals, The Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, etc.). He had multiple NDEs from battle injuries and resulting health issues.
Rev. Bill McDonald: Talk About Faith….
In an unconventional method, he will base the Workshop on what he reads from the group and go from there. Are you open to being a part of this phenomenal experience? Trusting your energy will direct the experience and gaining what you can use at that moment, is definitely a new concept to conduct a workshop!
Mesa IANDS – Sharing / Discussion Group (SDG)
The Central Arizona IANDS (CAI) Sharing / Discussion Group (SDG) meets at 6:00 pm monthly on the second Friday on the month, until fifteen minutes before the speaker starts. (From 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm) For months with no speaker, the CAI Sharing group will meet from 6pm to 8pm. These CAI/SDG small group events … Continue reading “Mesa IANDS – Sharing / Discussion Group (SDG)”
Nancy Clasby: The Reluctant Mystic
Come and learn the similarities and differences between a near death experience and a kundalini awakening. Nancy Clasby, professional Mystic and healer of 25 years, will shed light on this topic as well as her own personal story of spiritual transformation.
Nancy Clasby: Metta Meditation Workshop
Nancy Clasby will be teaching a guided meditation called the Metta Meditation, also known as the Prayer for Lovingkindness. Metta means Loving Kindness in Pali which is the language spoken by the Buddha. It is the groundwork for mindfulness practice, requiring the same non-judging, non-grasping, non-rejection orientation towards the present moment.