Events at Unity of Tucson

An IANDS membership appreciation event! Free to active members… $10 otherwise (or you can use that as a $10 bonus applied to join or renew)! But whatever you do, don’t miss this incredibly well done film exploration of the wide-spread evidential case for transpersonal consciousness. Featuring a who’s who cast of well-known and newly emerging leading edge … Continue reading “AZ IANDS Movie Time! “The Creative Play of Consciousness”­”

Barbara Bartolome – link to Today Show Special on NDEs – When Barbara was 31 years old, she had a profound NDE during a surgical procedure gone awry.  Barbara’s NDE was featured on a Today Show special segment broadcast by NBC.  Barbara is leader of the Santa Barbara IANDS group in CA. From the Today … Continue reading “Near Death Experience During Surgery”

  When Peter Baldwin Panagore died on the side of a mountain, his life was forever changed. Decades later, the intense spiritual journey continues, with a story that combines the thrills of a wilderness adventure with the awe-inspiring elements of a paranormal novel. In March of 1980, college senior Peter Panagore went ice climbing on … Continue reading “Heaven Is Beautiful”

Meditation—What Works Best: The Purpose, Practice and Practicality of Meditation for NDErs and Those Who Want to Transform Spiritually.   In this workshop Rev. Peter, who earned his MDIV at Yale with a concentration in Medieval Mysticism, will teach effective meditation that, in addition to reducing stress, slowing aging, improving concentration, managing pain, increasing self … Continue reading “Peter Panagore Workshop”

For many years, scientists have debated the nature and origin of consciousness. Many materialist scientists propose that consciousness originates in the neurons in the brain. However, scientific studies concerning near-death experiences (NDEs) give compelling evidence for the primacy of consciousness, that is, that its origin is independent of brain activity. In this presentation Dr. Marjorie … Continue reading “Near-Death Experiences: Windows into the Nature and Origin of Consciousness”

In this special 4 hour workshop, we combine Singing Medicine and guided meditation to move into oneness and communion. Each person is born with a Medicine Song within them. Robin and John sing, inspired by this original Medicine Song, to each person in the circle. Each individual song adds to the overall group healing. The singing for another person can be as powerful as your own. Each person will also receive, if they wish, any insights and/or intuitions that Robin and John receive for them. Singing Medicine has been a pivotal life event for many past participants, providing an opening for profound spiritually transformative experiences.

Nancy Rynes is a spiritual explorer, making the path to a love-filled life clearer for seekers the world over. Nancy is a leading voice for personalizing the wisdom of Near Death Experiences (NDEs), developing our heart-centered intuition, and living a life of inspired creativity. Known for her fun, lighthearted, girl-next-door demeanor, Nancy teaches others how to live a more purposeful, joyful, and Heaven-inspired … Continue reading “Awakenings from the Light”

Extraordinary Spiritual Experiences (ESEs), such as near-death experiences and after-death contacts, are common around the world and have been shown to be normal and salutogenic. Substantial data indicates that several of these experiences are associated with better psychological health. ESEs have healing power, a power partly rooted in the way that the knowledge they confer … Continue reading “Taking Extraordinary Spiritual Experiences Seriously”