Dianne Sherman

Living in the Magic

Suggested tax deductible donations, collected at the door, are: $10 public and $5 IANDS members. No one is ever turned away for lack of funds.

Over 38 years ago Dianne Sherman was gifted the experience of dying and coming back. It was the tipping point in either having a life worth living or not. Through her struggles to understand her NDE, and the changes it created with in her, she had to make a choice. What do I want to do with what I’ve learned and seen? Her journey has been to “see” the magic that surrounds her in every way possible and supports others to do the same. Her work heals people’s hearts and lives. There is a period of Q/A after the presentation.

Speaker Bio

Dianne Sherman is a Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive Counselor and Vibrational Healer and Certified Mediator with clients all over the world. In 1981 a Near Death Experience lead her to become a healer and transformer of lives. Her gift of “Clear sight” allows her to see everyone with clarity and appreciation for who they are in their Divine Essence. She can perceive how they are blocked and for the last 30 years has helped to inspire, uplift, and transform lives. Dianne has been a guest on numerous radio and tv shows and pod casts here and abroad. Many of her speaking engagements are on YouTube.

Venue Information

Advent Episcopal Church

13150 Spanish Garden Drive

Sun City West, AZ 85375