Our Tucson IANDS group meeting will take place on Friday, December 13, starting at 6:30 PM on the Unity of Tucson campus in Room 3 of the Annex (small building to the left of the church—see graphic below) 3617 N. Camino Blanco, Tucson, AZ 85718 (off River between Craycroft and Swan).
The meeting will be moderated by Vic Smith, IANDS member and author (website: victoresmith.com).
We will open with a meet-and-greet to get acquainted and share interests in near-death and related experiences (NDEs). Following will be some further planning for future Tucson IANDS events, including speaker presentations. A reminder: once we get to the major presentation stage, we will need volunteers to help put on events, so think about joining our growing team that is preparing to return Tucson IANDS to its pre-pandemic popularity.
As no specific topic or speaker was chosen for this month, I propose a discussion on a topic that registered considerable interest on the recent survey: Spiritually Transformative Experiences related to near-death and the process of dying.
To help get the thought process rolling: according to the AMERICAN CENTER FOR THE INTEGRATION OF SPIRITUALLY TRANSFORMATIVE EXPERIENCES, an experience is spiritually transformative when it causes people to perceive themselves and the world profoundly differently: by expanding the individual’s identity, augmenting their sensitivities, and thereby altering their values, priorities and appreciation of the purpose of life. This may be triggered by surviving clinical death, or by otherwise sensing an enlarged reality.
What is a Spiritually Transformative Experience (STE)? – ACISTE
We will take a voluntary offering at the end of the session to go to Unity for use of the church’s space. So, bring singles if you have them.
Please join us and invite a friend or two along.