Tucson February 2025 Discussion Event

Our Tucson IANDS group meeting will take place on Friday, February 14, starting at 6:30 PM on the Unity of Tucson campus in Room 3 of the Annex (small building to the left of the church—see graphic below) 3617 N. Camino Blanco, Tucson, AZ 85718 (off River between Craycroft and Swan).

The meeting will be moderated by Vic Smith, IANDS member and author (website: victoresmith.com).

We will open with a meet-and-greet to get acquainted and share interests in near-death and related experiences (NDEs). Following will be some further planning for future Tucson IANDS events, including speaker presentations. A reminder: once we get to that major presentation stage, we are looking for volunteers to help put on events, so think about joining our growing team that is preparing to return Tucson IANDS to its pre-pandemic popularity.

For the discussion this month, it is proposed we explore a topic that segues from last month’s discussion (Pre-Life Planning, Reincarnation and Between Lives Activities): NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE AND REINCARNATION. An article that addresses multiple facets of this subject can be found online: Reincarnation and the Near-Death Experience – Near-Death Experiences and the Afterlife by Kevin Williams (10/22/2019). (BTW, this site is a valuable source for information on NDEs and IANDS.) The article is somewhat lengthy and rich; if you don’t have time to read it all prior to the meeting, scan the subtopics and pick one that interests you and bring your thoughts on it to the meeting. 

For example, section 5 is  Reincarnation is karma, which leads with this explanation: “Reincarnation and karma together explains divine justice and why some people are born into favorable conditions or are born into unfavorable conditions. Personality traits are also carried over from past lives. A pertinent quote from Edgar Cayce follows:  “Whatever we think, that thought makes an impression on the Universal Consciousness. Nothing is lost or done in secret. Everything is done within the Universal Consciousness, and the Whole is affected by it (as well as all others within the Whole). Reactions to past thoughts and actions become our destiny and karma. Our destiny is simply the rebounding effects of previous choices remembered by the soul.”

Plenty of food for thought in this topic that can result in life-changing insights. Please join us on Friday and enjoy.

We will take a voluntary offering at the end of the session to go to Unity for use of the church’s space. So, bring singles if you have them.

Venue Information

Unity of Tucson

3617 Camino Blanco

Tucson, AZ 85718