Tucson September Discussion Event


As agreed in our previous meeting, our next Tucson IANDS group meeting will be on Friday, September 13, starting at 6:30 PM on the Unity of Tucson campus in Room 3 of the Annex (small building to the left of the church—see graphic below) 3617 N. Camino Blanco, Tucson, AZ 85718 (off River between Craycroft and Swan).

The meeting will be conducted by Vic Smith, IANDS member and author (website: victoresmith.com), filling in for Chuck Swedrock again this month.

We will open a meet-and-greet to get acquainted and share interests in near-death experiences (NDEs) and related transformative events.  Following will be a summary of results from the survey taken at the last meeting and fhen sent to the Tucson area AZIANDS full mailing list during the month.

Lauren Peralta will lead a discussion on Deathbed Experiences. Also, members who attended the IANDS National Conference in Chandler will share their impressions.

A reminder: once we get to the major presentation stage, we will need volunteers to help put on events. That, we think, will be “big fun” so let us know how you might like to volunteer.

We will take a voluntary offering at the end of the session to go to Unity for use of their space; bring singles if you have them.

Venue Information

Unity of Tucson

3617 Camino Blanco

Tucson, AZ 85718