Shawna Ristic: A Journey to Oneness
Shawna Ristic is an intuitive healer and body therapist who was called to healing others after a near death experience (NDE) following an accident at the age of 19. Shawna will share her powerful and motivating NDE story and the subsequent transformative process that has informed the last two decades of her life. She shares … Continue reading “A Journey to Oneness”
Shawna Ristic: Intro to Your Vibrational Guidance System
Regular/Day-of-Event: $75 non-member, $50 AZ IANDS member Earlybird non-member: Earlybird member: This 4 hour workshop provides you with an introduction to connecting with your intuition and learning to use it as a powerful tool to navigate your world. Through simple experiential exercises Shawna will assist you to connect with yourself, then with those around you … Continue reading “Intro to Your Vibrational Guidance System”
Mesa IANDS – Sharing / Discussion Group (SDG)
The Central Arizona IANDS (CAI) Sharing / Discussion Group (SDG) meets at 6:00 pm monthly on the second Friday on the month, until fifteen minutes before the speaker starts. (From 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm) For months with no speaker, the CAI Sharing group will meet from 6pm to 8pm. These CAI/SDG small group events … Continue reading “Mesa IANDS – Sharing / Discussion Group (SDG)”
Joe Hernandez: Inner Immersion
Jose, an engineer by trade prior to his experience, was, like most other NDErs, psychologically unprepared for how his life would be dramatically different after his experience. Adjusting to those differences takes time and, as with most experiences having a depth like his, the sensory recollection of the experience cannot be adequately described in the … Continue reading “Inner Immersion”
Joe Hernandez: Inner Immersion Group Workshop
Regular/Day-of-Event: $65 non-member, $50 AZ IANDS member Earlybird non-member: Earlybird member: What to expect? This is a 3 hour long intensive workshop Please make sure to eat beforehand as we don’t break for snacks Please use the bathroom before the session begins The workshop includes intensive breathwork which is quite physically demanding, please get the … Continue reading “Inner Immersion Group Workshop”
Mesa IANDS – Sharing / Discussion Group (SDG)
The Central Arizona IANDS (CAI) Sharing / Discussion Group (SDG) meets at 6:00 pm monthly on the second Friday on the month, until fifteen minutes before the speaker starts. (From 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm) For months with no speaker, the CAI Sharing group will meet from 6pm to 8pm. These CAI/SDG small group events … Continue reading “Mesa IANDS – Sharing / Discussion Group (SDG)”
Lee Pound: Hear an Unexpected Shamanic Journey
In 2015, Lee’s wife Sheri passed away after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Lee says, “I visited that area between life and death, where Sheri was stuck and helped her reconcile with her long-dead parents.” Come and learn the important message his wife wanted to give to the world about making peace with our past.
Mesa IANDS – Sharing / Discussion Group (SDG)
The Central Arizona IANDS (CAI) Sharing / Discussion Group (SDG) meets at 6:00 pm monthly on the second Friday on the month, until fifteen minutes before the speaker starts. (From 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm) For months with no speaker, the CAI Sharing group will meet from 6pm to 8pm. These CAI/SDG small group events … Continue reading “Mesa IANDS – Sharing / Discussion Group (SDG)”
Barbara Ireland: 3 Transformative Truths From My Near-Death Experience That Everyone Needs To Know
Barbara Ireland had a NDE from exhaustion where a voice from beyond guided her to a personal renaissance. She said “I had the HONOR of surviving my near-death-experience because it was the ultimate gift that woke me up about my thoughts, beliefs, and patterns – which changed my life dramatically, for the better.”
Barbara Ireland: How To Tame “Mind Loops” of Worry and Anxiety With Neuroscience Workshop
Our ability to listen and communicate effectively both at home and work is undermined by anxiety, irritability, and increased reactivity. Based on knowledge Barbara received during her near-death experience plus current neuroscience, you will learn practical tools to train your mind to be your greatest ally, instead of your saboteur.