Events at Unity of Tucson

In this workshop Hufford will present data, elicit the knowledge and experiences of workshop participants, and work with the group to understand the significance of these experiences and the ways in which the current counterproductive situation can be corrected. It is tragic that experiences with such positive potential have been suppressed and stigmatized by the very professions that intend to help!

Tricia Barker experienced a profound near-death experience during her senior year of college, and this experience guided her to teach overseas, in public schools, and at the college level.  Her near-death experience story has been featured on I Survived:  Beyond and Back, Season 1, Episode 5 and covered in National Geographic’s April 2016 article “The … Continue reading “Healed”

Michell Powers was born with the gift to see, hear and communicate with angels. Born with severe deformities of her legs, Michell was forced to endure significant surgical corrections. She has memories of the presence of angels surrounding her and the doctors to provide guidance and support during critical key operations. After leaving the hospital … Continue reading “Communication with Angels”

Robert Bare – spent more than two decades as a highway officer, “I saw lots of death, and I became callous”. Spirituality or religion played no role in his life. A massive heart attack in 2009 changed all that. His NDE was on the TV Show “I Survived… Beyond and Back“.

Jose, an engineer by trade prior to his experience, was, like most other NDErs, psychologically unprepared for how his life would be dramatically different after his experience. Adjusting to those differences takes time and, as with most experiences having a depth like his, the sensory recollection of the experience cannot be adequately described in the … Continue reading “Inner Immersion”

In 2015, Lee’s wife Sheri passed away after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Lee says, “I visited that area between life and death, where Sheri was stuck and helped her reconcile with her long-dead parents.” Come and learn the important message his wife wanted to give to the world about making peace with our past.

Barbara Ireland had a NDE from exhaustion where a voice from beyond guided her to a personal renaissance. She said “I had the HONOR of surviving my near-death-experience because it was the ultimate gift that woke me up about my thoughts, beliefs, and patterns – which changed my life dramatically, for the better.”

Rev McDonald considers himself on a mission of “TEACHING THE POWER OF LOVE & FORGIVENESS”.  He is a Vietnam war veteran with numerous honors (Distinguished Flying Cross, The Bronze Star, The Purple Heart Medal, 14 Air Medals, The Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, etc.).  He had multiple NDEs  from battle injuries and resulting health issues.

Come and learn the similarities and differences between a near death experience and a kundalini awakening. Nancy Clasby, professional Mystic and healer of 25 years, will shed light on this topic as well as her own personal story of spiritual transformation.